

AED - Emirati dirham. DHS also refers to the Emirati dirham but this abbreviation is not used.
CAGR - compound annual growth rate
CSR - corporate social responsibility
eDM - electronic direct mail, marketing-oriented email
EVP - Executive VP

GCC - Gulf Cooperation Council
GDP - Gross domestic product
GM - General Manager
GPS - Global positioning system
HE - His Excellency/Her Excellency
HH - His Highness/Her Highness
HRH - His/Her Royal Highness
ICT - Information and communications technology
INR - This abbreviation is not used for Indian rupees. Rs is used instead.
IT - Information technology, sometimes paired with OT, operational technology
JPY - Japanese yen; this abbreviation is not used, 'yen' is used instead

K - 1,000
KSA - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
MD - Managing Director

QoQ - quarter on quarter, meaning a figure compared compared to the same figure a quarter ago.
QR - Qatari riyal
RM - Malaysian ringgit (MYR)
RO - Rial/riyal Omani. The abbreviation OR for Omani rial is not used.
RMB - Chinese renminbi (CNY)
SGD - Singapore dollar; this abbreviation is not used. S$ is used instead
Sq ft - square feet
Sq m - square metre
SR - Saudi rial/riyal
SVP - Senior VP
THB - Thai baht

UAE - United Arab Emirates
UK - United Kingdom
US - United States of America
USD - US dollars. This abbreviation is not used. US$ is used instead
VP - Vice President
YoY - year on year, meaning a figure compared compared to the same figure a year ago.


Occasionally companies I blog about talk about spring, summer, autumn or fall and winter. In terms of calendar months, I would class these as:

Spring: March to May, or Q1 to Q2
Summer: June to August or Q2 to Q3
Autumn/Fall: September to November, or Q3 to Q4
Winter: December to February, or Q4 to Q1 of the following year

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