7 October 2015

Optional NVIDIA GeForce GPU drives heavy graphics on Microsoft's Surface Book laptop

Microsoft has unveiled the Surface Book, its first laptop. Unveiled by Microsoft Devices CVP Panos Panay in New York on October 6, the 13.5" Surface Book features an NVIDIA Maxwell architecture-powered GeForce GPU option.

The detachable keyboard base can be folded flat against the screen, like a laptop, tucked against the back of the screen, or detached. Panay showed the Surface Book running Adobe Premier Pro.

“This is for the gamer who plays League of Legends; this is for the architect who is building a building right now; this is for the scientist who is thinking about a cure for cancer,” Panos told his audience. “This is for the developer who wants to compile using the GPU and CPU at the same time and not lose a minute.”
Source: NVIDIA blog.


The NVIDIA GeForce GPU variant starts at US$1,899, and is available October 26. Pre-order here