26 December 2016

RTA opens another round of applications for vanity plates

The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) of Dubai has launched a new phase of the Get Your Special Moments on Your Number Plate initiative, offering Dubai drivers a chance to select five-digit plates that reflect dates of significance.

Sultan Al Marzooki, Director of Vehicles Licensing at RTA’s Licensing Agency, said: “Phase II of this initiative follows the remarkable response garnered by the initial phase, which was restricted to those born from 1981 to 1998 under Code S.

"This initiative reflects RTA's core responsibility for offering new and excellent services adding more satisfaction and happiness to customers through engaging them in selecting numbers of importance in their lives as vehicle plates. Therefore, the new phase enables customers to have important or personal dates reflected in their vehicle licensing plates. Such plates must necessarily be of five digits only to cover the day, month and year."


Number plates bearing Code T will be issued subject to the availability on RTA’s website against a total fee of AED1,620 per plate. Plates can be sourced from all Customer’s Happiness Centers in Dubai, service providers, strategic partners, from the RTA website or the Drivers & Vehicles smart app. The current phase of this initiative applies to those born from 1967 to 2016.