Submissions for the 15th edition of the Sony World Photography Awards are now open. Entry is free.
Source: Sony World Photography Awards. Copyright: © Majid Hojjati, Iran, Winner, Professional, Landscape, 2021 Sony World Photography Awards. Series name: Silent Neighborhoods.
Series description: Everything in life is made up of impressions from the past and whatever befalls us today. The fabric which took one form yesterday takes on a new form now. All creatures still fight for their survival. Nature is the battlefield. The forces of the world are as they have ever been; the waves of the sea, storms, the earth itself. But ultimately it is humanity, marching everywhere, claiming everything, proving to the world that it will endure. We strove to live, to take and to control, before even knowing what to call ourselves. We think we will last forever so we hunt, build, wear clothes and consume, changing our ideas and our tools over the years but never changing our ways. We chased after more and more and something was always left behind. Homes were abandoned, chairs left empty and clothes unworn, even the buttons of a shirt were lost. We have raced to eternity, knowing life is fleeting, leaving the lights on behind us as if to say that once upon a time we were alive. Here are the silent neighbourhoods: those places free of the presence of humanity. The noise of their silence can be heard everywhere – but here in these places we are condemned to hear nothing.
Created by the World Photography Organisation, the
Sony World Photography Awards celebrate the best contemporary photography from the past year, and provide exposure as well as opportunity to photographers worldwide.
There are four categories:
- Professional, outstanding bodies of work between five to 10 images across 10 categories;
- Open, rewarding the world’s best single images across 10 categories,
- Youth, a monthly brief for those aged 12-19, and
- Student, for photography students.
A National Awards programme will also reward local photographic talent.
All category winners of the Professional, Open, Youth and Student competitions will receive digital imaging equipment from Sony. In addition, cash prizes of US$25,000 will be presented to the Photographer of the Year and US$5,000 to the Open Photographer of the Year. All winning and shortlisted photographers’ works will be exhibited at the annual Sony World Photography Awards Exhibition in London and will then be toured internationally. Winning images will also be published in the annual Awards’ book.
Deadlines for submission are:
Professional: 13 January 2022, 13:00 GMT
Open: 6 January 2022, 13:00 GMT
Student: 30 November 2021, 13:00 GMT
Youth: Monthly competitions with a changing theme running to 31 December, 2021
Get full competition and categories descriptions.
View 2021 finalists.