“Travel Timeline is a useful and valuable tool for chronicling travel experiences and conveniently capturing moments to remember,” said Adam Medros, SVP, global product, TripAdvisor. “TripAdvisor not only helps travelers plan and book their trips, but with Travel Timeline we help our community document and share them too.”
To activate Travel Timeline, users log on to the TripAdvisor mobile app and opt-in to the feature. Once the feature is activated, it will keep a log of the points of interest that the user has visited in a running timeline, and travellers can easily rate and review hotels, restaurants, or attractions they visited. The feature uses the phone’s GPS and motion sensors to predict when the user is visiting a location or if they are just passing by. Activities are logged without an Internet connection. The timeline is private to the user on their TripAdvisor app, but travellers can edit their timeline and easily share it with family and friends. Users may turn Travel Timeline off at any time.
To activate Travel Timeline, users log on to the TripAdvisor mobile app and opt-in to the feature. Once the feature is activated, it will keep a log of the points of interest that the user has visited in a running timeline, and travellers can easily rate and review hotels, restaurants, or attractions they visited. The feature uses the phone’s GPS and motion sensors to predict when the user is visiting a location or if they are just passing by. Activities are logged without an Internet connection. The timeline is private to the user on their TripAdvisor app, but travellers can edit their timeline and easily share it with family and friends. Users may turn Travel Timeline off at any time.
Travel Timeline will be available through the free TripAdvisor mobile app, only on iOS, in 28 languages worldwide.
*Source: comScore Media Metrix for TripAdvisor Sites, worldwide, July 2015. TripAdvisor manages and operates websites under 23 other travel media brands: www.airfarewatchdog.com, www.bookingbuddy.com, www.cruisecritic.com, www.everytrail.com, www.familyvacationcritic.com, www.flipkey.com, www.thefork.com (including www.lafourchette.com, www.eltenedor.com, www.iens.nl, www.besttables.com and www.dimmi.com.au), www.gateguru.com, www.holidaylettings.co.uk, www.holidaywatchdog.com, www.independenttraveler.com, www.jetsetter.com, www.niumba.com, www.onetime.com, www.oyster.com, www.seatguru.com, www.smartertravel.com, www.tingo.com, www.travelpod.com, www.tripbod.com, www.vacationhomerentals.com, www.viator.com, and www.virtualtourist.com. TripAdvisor branded sites make up the largest travel community in the world, reaching 350 million unique monthly visitors**, and more than 290 million reviews and opinions covering 5.3 million accommodations, restaurants and attractions. The sites operate in 47 countries worldwide.
**Source: TripAdvisor log files, average monthly unique users, Q3 2015