21 June 2019

KPMG index measures 140 countries' ability to respond to change

Asia Pacific countries and jurisdictions are generally improving in handling climate change, according to the 2019 KPMG Change Readiness Index (CRI). Singapore climbed two levels to be ranked No. 2, while Taiwan is up 18 places.

The CRI, now in its fourth year of biannual publication, ranks 140 countries* on how effectively they prepare for, and respond to, major change events. This edition of the report focuses on the capabilities countries need to successfully address climate change and mitigate associated risks.

Timothy Stiles, Global Chair of KPMG's International Development Assistance Services, commented: "Climate change is among the most pressing issues we face as a global society. Those countries failing to recognise the impact of climate change are likely to be unprepared for its growing costs, which will be levied on citizens, businesses and economies around the world. Our 2019 report aims to demonstrate that there isn't a one-size-fits-all approach to responding to major change.

"Our research highlights that too many nations can be reliant on either business, government or civil society to shoulder the responsibility for change readiness, but in our experience this doesn't yield the best long term results. True preparedness is when each segment of society - enterprise, government, and people and civil society - works in harmony toward a shared outcome."

The CRI top 20 countries and jurisdictions (with the change in ranking from 2017)


Singapore (+2)

Denmark (+2)

Sweden (-2)

UAE (-2)

Norway (+5)

Germany (+2)

UK (+2)

New Zealand (-3)

Netherlands (-3)

Qatar is now in 12th place (+7); Australia is 14th (no change in ranking) while Hong Kong fell two places to 15th. Taiwan is 17th (+18), and Japan (+3) is 18th.

The CRI measured each country across three key pillars of capability: enterprise sustainability, government as well as people and civil society. Enterprise sustainability, which looks at the private sector's role in rising to the challenge of national preparedness and response to climate change and environmental degradation. Measures for enterprise sustainability include CO2 emissions per unit of GDP, and the share of renewable energy in use by a country.

The 2019 index revealed that countries most susceptible to climate risks are mostly low-income and lower-middle income countries. Less mature economies like Afghanistan are the worst-performing in climate resilience, as are countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The majority of higher income economies are considered low risk, high readiness countries.

This year's report reveals that poorer countries face double jeopardy when it comes to climate change: a higher risk from the negative impacts of climate change and a lower capacity to implement climate-ready policies and institutions.


Learn more about the CRI and how each country performed

*All uses of the word 'country' or 'countries' in the 2019 CRI refer to both countries and jurisdictions. The term country is used for brevity.

The CRI is built on research and analysis on primary source data and from more than 1,400 experts and secondary sources including the World Economic Forum, World Bank International Monetary Fund and the UN.