22 February 2021

NVIDIA opens workshops to general public

For the first time, the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute (DLI) is making its instructor-led workshops available to the general public. Anyone can learn from expert NVIDIA instructors in courses on artificial intelligence (AI), accelerated computing and data science.

The virtual full-day workshops offer hands-on exercises and guidance from expert instructors certified by DLI. Courses are delivered virtually and in many timezones, in English, Chinese, Japanese plus other languages. 

The training is now open to individual developers, data scientists, researchers and students. Previously, DLI workshops were only available to large organisations that wanted dedicated and specialised training for their in-house developers, or to individuals attending GPU Technology Conferences.

“Our public workshops provide a great opportunity for individual developers and smaller organisations to get industry-leading training in deep learning, accelerated computing and data science,” said Will Ramey, global head of Developer Programs at NVIDIA.

“Now the same expert instructors and world-class learning materials that help accelerate innovation at leading companies are available to everyone.”

The public DLI workshops for individuals include:

March 2021

- Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA Python

- Applications of AI for Predictive Maintenance

April 2021

- Fundamentals of Deep Learning

- Applications of AI for Anomaly Detection

- Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA C/C++

- Building Transformer-Based Natural Language Processing Applications

- Deep Learning for Autonomous Vehicles – Perception

- Fundamentals of Accelerated Data Science

- Accelerating CUDA C++ Applications with Multiple GPUs

- Fundamentals of Deep Learning for Multi-GPUs

- Applications of AI for Anomaly Detection

May 2021

- Building Intelligent Recommender Systems

- Applications of AI for Anomaly Detection

- Fundamentals of Accelerated Data Science

- Deep Learning for Industrial Inspection

- Building Transformer-Based Natural Language Processing Applications


Register. Registration fees cover learning materials, instructors and access to fully configured GPU-accelerated development servers for hands-on exercises.